martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Day of the dead in México

If You have the chance, go and tour in The Dolores Olmedo Museum to know our rich tradition and get a point extra doing a resume about it. 

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October 27 2015 to January 03 2016
From Tuesday to Sunday , 10:00 - 18:00 hrs.
$20MX general amdission donation, $10MX students and teachers, $1MX INAPAM and persons under 6 years of age


The offerings of Dolores Olmedo Museum have always been considered artistic, because they not only recover the tradition of the altars of the dead, but also make a tribute to the artisanal labor in Mexico.

On this occasion, our traditional Altar of the Dead presents scenes and characters that make a tour across Mexico to show the artisanal richness and the biodiversity of the country.

Mexico’s artisanal richness is closely related to the environment, because the materials employed for the creations of the artisans are taken from nature. Also, plants and animals have inspired the artisans to create pieces where they express the different elements that is possible to find in the country, thanks to its great biodiversity.

The tour across the offering takes us from the desert areas of the north of Mexico to the rain forests and the tropic of the south.

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Know the cultural precinct

Datos de mapas ©2015 Google, INEGI
Dolores Olmedo Museum
Av. México 5843 
Col. La Noria
C.P. 16030, Deleg. Xochimilco
México, Distrito Federal

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